Please don't leave Yo Yo...
This place needs a diverse group.
Must be a bug on the board..everyone leaving.
if it is possible can you post why you were disfellowshipped?
Please don't leave Yo Yo...
This place needs a diverse group.
Must be a bug on the board..everyone leaving.
if it is possible can you post why you were disfellowshipped?
Yo Yo..
20 yrs bap. 30 associated.
Are you around the age of 30, having been born in the
Truth or are you much older, afraid to leave, realizing
that this is all you have considering the time invested?
if it is possible can you post why you were disfellowshipped?
Yo Yo,
My family of seven were all witnesses.
Today, we are all ex-Witnesses.
A strange thing is that all of the witnesses we
were close to are also now Ex-witnesses.
The few times we visited our old halls.. we barely
recognized the place, as everyone we knew has been dfed, daed,
or simply dwifted away.
Call the Watchtower and ask them to give you the stats...
They will refuse you.. after all, they do not like the
fact that thier "was one of us " files are larger than
the "still faithful" files.
When I was at Bethal..first in Brooklyn..later at the Farms..
My roomate worked the files. An office which sole purpose is too
keeps tabs on the flock.
Do you know what's in your file?
if it is possible can you post why you were disfellowshipped?
Yo Yo..
How long have you been a Witness?
if it is possible can you post why you were disfellowshipped?
Yo Yo..
You stated in this thread that by visiting this
site, you have more appreciation for Jah and HIS
organization.. I guess an apostate site feeds you
what your congregation cannot? You must be
in a congregation that is dull or everyone is in
a trance and has no abililty to assist you in upbuilding
I doubt you will still be around the witnesses in five years.
The life span of an active witness is short lived.
There are more ex-witnesses than active witnesses.
Tells you alot about the Watchtower when they reley on
new recriuts to continue.
May I now consider a fellow Aposate, as you are on your way
the question.
is all watchtower articles, books, etc.
inspired by god as the bible was?
P.S. The Watchtower is guilty of partaking in
the mass distruction of our earths resources.
Go work at the Farms and you will witness the
use of tons of trees for thier silly comic books.
Fresh paper, right from the forests which are
disappearing at an alarming rate. Why do they not
use recyled paper? The slaughter house at the farm
is another classic example of the disregard of Jehovah's
creation. The Watchtower is fucked!
the question.
is all watchtower articles, books, etc.
inspired by god as the bible was?
No one on earth, past or present, has been inspired
by God....So whats the big deal discussing this
topic anyhow?
sniff sniff donations people we have no money to hold together this site of foolishness all these socalled educated people could u please give money!sniff i though the org was broke but jehovah protects them .
we also need meteor insurance send me some companies thanks free the lose minds.........
You are right..
There is hope for
your pea sized
By not capitalizing God's
name, does it make him 'a' jehovah?
sniff sniff donations people we have no money to hold together this site of foolishness all these socalled educated people could u please give money!sniff i though the org was broke but jehovah protects them .
we also need meteor insurance send me some companies thanks free the lose minds.........
You really should sign
up for the Theocratic Ministry
School. If you can read, you
may be able to improve
upon your grammer.
Did Jehovah just call you to
the fold from the local homeless
shelter, or are you suffering
from the DT's?
i have retitled this post thinking perhaps the "doom" series has run its course.
lol .
one of the specific features of the sign of christ's presence has to do with the emergence of false prophets and false christs.
At least you have something intelligent
to say..
Do you think YK will discuss anything other
then the Bible according to the Watchtower?